Blackout feature

Once a TV channel decides to start broadcasting online it faces the so called black out problem that comes out of the territory copyright limitations. Let's figure out how to enable that...[Read]

What is transcoding?

Well, if you end up visiting this page it seems you were trying to learn about video transcoding which is a basic term for streaming video and online video industry in general. Not only we will explain here what is transcoding video, but also what is a transcoder and why you need to know anything about all this...[Read]

What is video streaming and how does it work?

A few years ago, only a certain number of people deeply involved in digital technologies and development knew about such concepts as "streaming," "streaming media," streaming video. Then there was a real revolution in the online video industry, the user has changed the very understanding and presentation of content in principle...[Read]

How To Minimize Latency Of Live Streaming

The speed of changes in the world is drastically growing, so everyone demands higher speeds and lower delays to keep up with the world. Online video technologies provide the workflow for many industries and yes, today, one of the main challenges in the field of live streaming is cutting the delivery time to the end user...[Read]
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