Why do you need video transcoding? Ultimately the transcoding emerged long time ago when the variety of input formats produced by cameras, smartphones, photo cameras, recorders and other equipment was so vast, that it was the only way to provide the online playback and delivery of user generated UGC content. Nowadays, the hardware makers allow content to be recorded in widely accepted and compatible formats like .mp4 or rtmp for live streams, but they still don't have enough processing power as transcoding is very CPU/GPU demanding operations and require powerful server solutions or
cloud-based computing. The end user devices and browsers support a certain number of streaming formats, but lately the HLS and dash are considered the most common. Therefore, the main reason of the transcoding process is to deliver the content in the most compatible for online streaming and playback format.
Finally, the video transcoding is a necessary part of video processing to provide the best user experience on all platforms that requires robust and effective software from a reliable partner. We are proud to offer the best pricing for our Streambuilder encoder that was built to help you meet your goals without spending a fortune for transcoding.
Your feedback is very much appreciated:
ask@streambuilder.pro You can download and evaluate the full feature free trial version of Streambuilder. Just get in touch with us at
ask@streambuilder.pro to get the download link. Feel free to reach us about any of your video streaming goals and ideas, we are glad to help!